Many decisions made for this map came from RFC2616, Fielding's dissertation, and analysis of several dozen RESTful or REST "like" APIs currently on the programmable web.
- 200 - ok (GETs, PUTs, and DELETEs)
- Entity body - The resource
- Example - GET People/1
- 201 - Resource created (POST)
- Response Header - Location will contain the canonical URI
- Entity body - the new resource
- Example - POST People
- 301 - Moved Permanently
- Response Header - Location will contain the new permanent canonical URI
- Entity body - will be empty
- Example - GET People/1 has been merged and no longer exists the new URI is People/1
- 400 - Bad Request: There is an error on the client side.
- Response Header - No modification
- Entity body - Send back a message on why the request was bad
- Example - Malformed XML fails to serialize eon the server
- 401 - Unauthorized
- Response Header - WWW-Authenticate : OAUTH and the challenge or required parameter
- Entity body - Optionally, a doc describing the failure
- Example - missing OAUTH credentials
- 403 - Forbidden - Failed authorization
- Response Header - No modification
- Entity body - explanation of why authorization failed
- Example - OAUTH credentials were good, however, the token used for the request was not valid or user associated with the token does not have rights to the resource
- 404 - Not Found: When a client requests a URI that does not map to a resource on the server
- Response Header - No modification
- Entity body - will be empty
- Example - GET People/1 does not exist, optionally a 410 may be used (see below)
- 405 - Method not allowed
- Response Header - Allow: GET, POST - list the HTTP methods the resource supports
- Entity body - will be empty
- Example - POST People/1/Status <- an attempt to create a status when only GET is available
- 409 - Conflict: Client tried to put the servers resource in an impossible or inconsistent state
- Response Header - Allow: GET, POST - list the HTTP methods the resource supports
- Entity body - will be empty
- Example - POST People/1/Status <- an attempt to create a status when only GET is available
- 410 - Gone: server knew there used to be a resource but it's gone now
- Response Header - No modification
- Entity body - explanation of conflicts
- Example - PUT People/1 modifying "Weblink" credentials for People/1 that are already used by People/2
- 415 - Unsupported Media Type
- Response Header - Code detailed supported media types for the given resource
- Entity body - will be empty
- Example - Resource only supports XML and JSON, but the client sends application/atom+xm
- 500 - Internal Server Error
- Response Header - No modification
- Entity body - will be empty
- Example - The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
This response status code map is subject to change, however, in the current build of the API these rules exist as defined above.
Awesome, can't wait.
ReplyDeleteThanks, this is very useful